Sunday, May 2, 2010

Are we there yet?

This is starting as one of my most stressful trips. I woke up feeling absolutely terrible. My stomach was in a complete knot. I managed to drag myself to the shower. I struggled to eat half a piece of toast. I had that miserable feeling where you chew and chew but everything still feels completely dry and your throat isn’t willing to welcome anything. I was not off to a good start.

I finished up packing some last minute items. Mom helped me, or pretty much entirely, loaded up the car and we were on our way. It was only the two of us because my dad left early this morning for a fishing tournament. We said good-bye last night and he left a little note on the table say one last goodbye in the morning. It was really nice. Mom read my mind and stuck it in one of my bags for me.

Still feeling miserable, we headed for the airport. About 10 minutes into the drive, my nerves finally overpowered my stomach. I frantically grabbed for a plastic bag in the backseat and dumped everything out without a second to spare. And not to give too many details about this part…holes in the bagà wiping off my jeans with kleenexà plastic floor mats designed for melting snow Jà quick stop at the oasis à miss the trash can à went to high school with the person in the car behind us who saw me miss àuse an entire water bottle to feeble attempt at sanitation.

I do feel a bit better after all that. My nerves have stabilized themselves to the more manageable feeling like I need to pee every five seconds.

-----on plane------

Feeling much better. Actually ate some lunch. Trying really hard to remember that children are a joy in this world as the two year old behind me wails endless about nothing. I guess she just likes to say “mmooommmmaaaa” as loud as she can. Has it not be 2.5 hours yet???


Well, my flight was an hour late, which makes no sense at all to me because we took off pretty much on time. Of course, no explanation was offered. So, as soon as I got off (which they didn’t let connecting passengers off first of) they gave me a new boarding pass for the next flight.

I’m pretty pissed about it right now because I was just able to check the status of the first flight and it took off late! So I was here at the other terminal by the time it took off. Now I have to hang around here for 3 hours and I won’t get to my host family’s until like 10. Normally that’d be fine, except for the fact that I have to be at school by 8:30 in the morning to take my placement test. ugh. actually, double ugh.

----more layover-----
Departure delayed another 30 minutes. The other flight landed an hour ago now. This is ridiculous.  

1 comment:

  1. Oh no Pepper, I've never known you to get so nervous! Glad you felt better by your flight time though. It's going to be a fun but crazy six months...
